Wondering how to cut down on your next energy bill? Whether you own a business or property and notice an increase in your electric bill, you’ll want to know what’s causing it and how you can lower it significantly. In this article, we will discuss general tips for energy efficiency. There are many ways you can reduce your bill including simple tricks such as your average shower time or heaters that are running when you aren’t at home.
Control Your Heating & Cooling
Your thermostat controls your electric bill more than you think it should. Turning your thermostat off doesn’t always have to be the case. You may want to consider turning the notch down about 5-7 notches, which can roughly help you save 10% on your next energy bill. During the winter, switch it up by using more blankets and covers at night or implementing the full sunshine on sunny days. Turning off your thermostat when no one is at the house is also a good idea. This ensures your heater isn’t being overworked as well.
Check For Air Leaks
The warm air in the winter or the cool air in the summer could easily be escaping your home, forcing your heater or a/c to excessively run when it shouldn’t. Have an expert electrician or air leak specialist check all windows, vents, and doors, ensuring they are fully sealed. If you own a fireplace, ensure the damper is closed. Also, when you are showering or using the kitchen, ensure the fans are completely off.

Consider Solar Power
If you are in an area where sunlight is prominent, you may want to consider ultimately going solar. Installing a solar home system is great for those looking to reduce energy costs and to add value to your home. An alternative is merely opening your curtains and allowing the sun to come in to warm your home and keeping the heat locked in by closing the curtains completely.
Minimize Water Usage
If you or someone in your family takes long showers, you may need to consider minimizing shower time. Additionally, using less hot water can be extremely helpful. Wash your clothes using cold water instead of hot while still cleaning your clothes effectively.

Check all Light Bulbs
Be sure to do a full check of all the light bulbs in your household or office. You’ll want to use energy-saving bulbs only, such as fluorescent, LED bulbs, and incandescent halogen bulbs. Although some of these bulbs may range in price, they are all equipped to save you tons of money in the long run.
Have any questions? Contact the experts at Asbury Electric (757) 768-7147 today.